
Monday, March 28, 2022

The Sun Is Also a Star - Discussion Questions


1.      1.        Do you believe in love at first sight?
2.      What is the significance of Natasha’s headphones? Why is she so attached to them?
3.      In the book, Daniel is faced with the choice of chasing a career that promises job security and financial stability, or chasing his passion in a field (poetry) that does not hold those same promises. Which “chase” do you think is more important?
4.      What pressures do young people face when choosing colleges, majors, career paths, etc.? Where do those pressures come from?
5.      Daniel believed in fate. Natasha did not. Are you more like Daniel or Natasha? Using examples from the book, explain how you are alike.
6.      Do you consider yourself left-brained (logical, math, science) or right-brained (creative, art, writing)?
7.      How does Daniel plan to prove true love exists to Natasha?
8.      Why is Natasha primarily concerned about falling in love with Daniel? 
What happens to Daniel and Natasha at the Norebang? 
10.  Do you think the main characters were in love? What does it take to love someone?
11.  Have you ever discussed someone’s culture with them? What kind of things did you learn?
12.  How do Natasha and Daniel’s parents’ histories affect the ways they interact with their children?
13.  Daniel’s and Natasha’s parents are chasing the American Dream. What is the American Dream? Is it possible to achieve it? Did any of the characters achieve it?
14.  Does Natasha deserve to go home? Why or why not?
15.  Do you think Natasha and Daniel ended up together forever after the end of the book?
16.  Do you believe one day can change someone’s life?
17.  What seems to be the explanation for Daniel, Natasha, and Irene to all be on the same plane ten years later? 
18.  What was your favorite part of The Sun Is Also a Star?

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