
Saturday, March 26, 2022

How to Bee - Discussion Questions



1. What do you know about Peony?

2. Describe Peony’s life in the farm?

3. Why does Peony want to be chosen as a bee?

4. Do you know why the kids in the story have to do the work of bees?

5. What happens when Peony’s mother come back for the weekend?

6. Why does Peony’s mother choose her over her sister to bring to the city?

7. If you were Peony, would you go to the city with your mother or stay in the farm with your grandfather and sister? Why or why not?

8. Who is Esmeralda? Why is she afraid of going outside?

9. What does Peony do to help Esmeralda to get over her fear?

10. What details tell you that Peony and Esmeralda are real friends?

11. If you were Peony, would you stay in the city or try to find way to go back to the farm? Why and why not?

12. How does Peony get back to the farm?

13. What happened to Peony’s mother, Rosie?

14. Does Peony make her dream to become a bee?

15. Why are bees important?

16. What can we do to make sure that bee populations don't die out?

17. What is your favorite detail of the book?

18. From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?


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