
Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Parker Inheritance - Discussion Questions



1.    Candice’s grandmother says, “Just because you don’t see the path, doesn’t mean it’s not there.” (p. 7) but Candice isn’t sure she knows what that means. What do you think she means?


2.    Why do you think Brandon doesn’t want to tell Candice about what kind of books he reads? Have you ever been afraid to tell someone about something you liked? Why?


3.    If you found a letter from your grandmother like Candice did, what would you do?


4.    Revisit the letter once you’ve finished the book: what clues surprised you the most? What clue did you think was the trickiest or the hardest to figure out? Did you figure anything out before Candice and Brandon?


5.    How do you think Brandon feels when he’s bullied by Milo? How do you think Candice feels when she sees it happen?


6.    Why did Siobhan and her family have to leave Lambert very suddenly? If you were Siobhan would you do differently?


7.    What happened to Reggie after the game?


8.    At first Candice can’t wait to leave Lambert, but when she gets the chance to go she’s not sure she wants to. What has changed? Is it just trying to find the Parker fortune or is it something else?


9.    Siobhan says Reggie “hates the world” (p. 279) and could make real change but he tells her it isn’t that simple. Who do you think is right? Why?


10.  In 1986, when Siobhan and Reggie finally saw each other again what Reggie suggested her to do so they can live together in Denver?  Did she agree or not? If you were her what would you do?


11.  What do you think happens to Mr. Parker at the end of the book? Does he find out Candice and Brandon solved his puzzles and claimed his inheritance?


12.  Why do you think Mr. Parker insisted that to earn the inheritance the person who solved it must share what they discovered with the world?


13.  At the end of the book, Candice thinks “If the news won’t tell the right stories, I will. One day.” What do you think she means? What kind of job do you think Candice might have when she grows up?


14.  How did you feel about the book switching timelines? Did it make you want to keep reading? Which timeline did you think was the most interesting? Would either have been as interesting or as fun to read without the other?


15.  Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author would you end it differently?


16.  From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?

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