
Saturday, March 26, 2022


1. Discuss the connection between Peter and Pax. How did that connection develop over the years? Why must Peter release Pax?

2.  What makes Peter leave to look for Pax after he arrives at his grandfather’s home?

3. What is the importance of the toy soldier in the game Peter plays with Pax? Why is Peter surprised to find a box of toy soldiers at his grandfather’s house? What is the impact on Peter when he sees the picture of his father as a boy with his arm around a dog? Why do you think Peter’s father never talked about his dog?

4. If you had a pet and by some circumstance your parents asked you to give up your pet how would you feel?

5. How does Peter and Vola meet? If you were Peter would you trust Vola?

6. Why is it so important to Vola to live alone?

7. Discuss the relationships Peter has with Vola, his father, his grandfather, and Pax.

8. Vola tells Peter, “People should tell the truth about what war costs” (p. 130). What costs of war does each of the characters in this book pay?

9. What happened when Pax met the other wild foxes? Why is it hard for the wild foxes to accept Pax when he finds them?

10. When Peter finally finds Pax, why must let him go to stay with his new family in the wild.

11. Adults make decisions in this story that affect children and animals. Is that fair? Should children have a say in decisions like going to war, or where to live?

12. Discuss the meaning of the phrase that appears before the story begins: “Just because it isn’t happening here doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.” What does that phrase mean to you? Why do you think the author did not name a specific place or area as the setting of the book?

13. Did the ending of the book surprise you? What did Peter learn about himself and Pax that led him to make his decision?

14. Can you guess what will happen to Peter afterward?

15. From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book? 

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