
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine - Discussion Questions



      1.      Why do you think Eleanor leads a lonely life? What factors contribute to her unconventional personality?
2.      What are some things that Eleanor has to learn that most of us take for granted? Why does she want to change her appearance?
3.      What is the difference between loneliness and being alone? Which of these applies to Eleanor and why?
4.      When Eleanor talks to her mother once a week despite the past and present emotional abuse her mother inflicts on her do you wonder why she continues to do so?
5.      Eleanor has no social reference from which to interact with others. Yet, she suddenly decides she can have a meaningful personal encounter with a rockstar. How does her chosen “project” change the direction of her life?
6.      “That’s the thing: it’s best just to take care of yourself.” Is there truth in this? 
7.      Eleanor often speaks her mind. Does her forthrightness make you uncomfortable or make you cheer for her?
8.      Little gestures of kindness mean a lot to Eleanor. Why? Do you think most people overlook the importance of thoughtfulness?
9.      When Raymond shows an interest in Eleanor do you find yourself rooting for him? Why?
10.  How does Eleanor and Raymond’s relationship evolve? Where do you see them in five years?
11.  Raymond tells Eleanor that she deserves nice things. Why do you think he feels that way? Do you agree with him?
12.  Do you think Eleanor needs to make peace with her past or forget about it to move on?
13.  When does Eleanor start to feel hopeful about her life? What signs of positive change did you notice in her day-to-day routine?
14.  How do you think you would have treated Eleanor if she had been your classmate? What do you think the world is like for those who are often seen as ‘different’ or ‘difficult’? 
15.  How did you feel about the ending of the book? Did it change your perspective about Eleanor?
16.  Did Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine leave you feeling uplifted and hopeful or concerned and doubtful

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