
Monday, March 28, 2022

The Family Under the Bridge - Discussion Questions


     1.     Who was Armand? Where did Armand live? Why?
     2.    At the beginning of the story, did Armand like children? Why or why not?

3.     3.         Why did Armand jump back in surprise and horror when he looked under the bridge

4.       Who were Suzy, Paul, and Evelyne? Why were the three children hiding out under the bridge? 

5.       What did Armand reply when Suzy told her mama that he’s a nice, friendly old   tramp? 

6.       Why didn’t the children’s mother put her kids in the charity home until she found a  place for them to stay?

7.       How did Armand get money for lunch for the three children, himself, and the dog?  
      8. Why was Madame Calcet upset with Armand? Does Madame Calcet seem        unappreciative? Explain.

9.       When Armand returned to his old bridge, he found the children crying. Why were  they crying?

10.     Why was Suzy so happy when she saw Tinka’s  gypsy home on wheels?

11.     Why did the children’s mother cry when she saw the gypsy camp? 
12.     What did Suzy teach Tinka? What did Tinka teach Suzy? 

13.     The day before Christmas, what were the children excited about?

14.    What did Armand say that Father Christmas said about the house?

15.    Why did the Gypsies have to leave?

16.    Why did everyone at Halle’s market laugh at Paul when he tried to get a job?

17.    Why did Madame Calcet agree to let Armand work and help pay rent?

18.    What did Madame Calcet tell Armand he must do in order to get a job?

19.    Why did Armand take the low pay job?

20.    Do you like the ending of the book? From 1 to 5 how many stars would you rate the book

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