
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Flying the Dragon - Discussion Questions



1.      Why is Skye embarrassed when her father speaks Japanese in front of other people?

2.       How does Skye’s dad react when she asks him why he was “acting all Japanese at the pizzeria?” Why does he react this way?

3.      Why does Hiroshi’s family have to move to the US? Why isn’t he happy about it?

4.      If you had to move to the other country, would you be happy about it?

5.      Are Skye’s parents being unfair about making her take Japanese classes? Why or why not?

6.      Hiroshi’s and Skye’s first conversation at dinner isn’t easy for either one of them. Who has the hardest time? Explain your thinking.

7.      How does Skye feel about helping Hiroshi in class? Why?

8.      Have you ever been reluctant to help someone? Or Have you experienced someone was reluctant to help you. Explain your reasoning. 

9.      Do you think Skye should sit with Hiroshi at lunch? What would you do?

10.  Why doesn’t Hiroshi want Skye to fly the dragon kite with Grandfather and him?

11.  Grandfather doesn’t think Hiroshi should be angry with Skye about stepping on the dragon kite. Do you agree? Why or why not?

12.  What caused the misunderstanding between Skye’s father and his family back in Japan?

13.  How has Grandfather’s death affected Hiroshi’s and Skye’s relationship?

14.  Skye is nervous about helping paint the kite’s design, but Hiroshi insists on having her help. Does it really matter if Skye helps paint the circle on the kite? Why or why not?

15.  What is Hiroshi’s reasoning for not telling the judges about the other team’s manja line? Should he have said something? Explain your reasoning.

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