
Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street - DISCUSSION QUESTIONS


1. Why do Tessa and her family have to move to Chicago? Is she happy about the move? Why or why not?


2. What makes Tessa think that her house is haunted?


3. Describe Andrew. How does Tessa meet him?


4. Describe Nina and Ritchie. How do they become Tessa friends?


5. Why do Tessa and her friend go to Graceland Cemetery?  What happens when they are there?


6. What do you think of Tessa’s parents? Do you think they should listen to Tessa and move out of the haunted house?


7. How does Tessa find the music box? What do they find in the music box?


8. Why do you think Inez choose Tessa?


9. Why does Tessa think Cassie hate her? What makes Cassie behave differently?


10. What is the explanation for the disappearance of Inez statue?  Explain the act of condensation.


11. What does Tessa do at the end for Inez? What are the outcome for this?


12. Why isn’t Tessa scared of Inez anymore? Why does she thank Inez for?


13. If you were Tessa, would you be scared of Inez? What else would you do for her?   


14. Which character do you connect with the most? Explain.


15. Have you ever had an experience that made you believe your house was haunted? What was it?


16. If your friend’s house was haunted, would you help to investigate like Andrew and Nina do?


17. This book is filled with characters who have passions: Tessa and her mom create art. Tessa’s dad plays music. Andrew has soccer, and Cassie has science. What are you passionate about?


18. Do you like how the story end? From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?


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