
Saturday, March 26, 2022




1.      Cather finds it difficult to write about any world other than that of Simon Snow. Why do you think that might be?

2.      How are Cather and Wren different? Do you think there are any underlying reasons for their differences?

3.      Cath initially struggles with anything outside of the world of Simon Snow. Why do you think Wren found it easier to move on from Simon?

4.      Who would you rather room with? Reagan? Cath? Wren? Courtney? Levi? Nick?

5.      What did you make of her dad? How would you have dealt with it?

6.      Was what Nick did wrong? Where is the line between individual work and group work?

7.      Do you think that Levi and Cath have staying power? He wants to work on a ranch, and she wants to be a writer. Can this work for them?

8.      Were you upset with Cath’s professor not allowing her to use her fanfiction for her assignments?

9.      Do you agree/empathize with Cath’s emotions and treatment of her mother?

10.  Do you relate more to Wren or Cath? Why?

11.  Explain how Cath changes throughout the story. Describe specific events in the story that cause these changes in her character.

12.  What did you think of the fanfic sections? Did they help or hinder the plot? Distract or complement?

13.  Professor Piper asks the class why you write fiction. I couldn't help but think many of their answers are exactly why I read fiction. Why do you read?

14.  Cath finds it hard to create a world of her own, instead, she writes fanfics. How about you? Do you find it easier to write your own world and story or do you find it easier to write something about a world that’s already been created?

15.  Do you like the ending? If you were the author, how would you end the story?


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