
Monday, March 28, 2022

Every Last Word - Discussion Questions

1.      When Samantha was holding scissors to cut the stem from each rose what an unwanted thought she experienced?
2.      What do know about Samantha McAllister?
3.      What does swimming mean to Samantha?
4.      What is Crazy Eights nick name for? Does Samantha’s friendship with the Crazy Eights make her happy or unhappy?
5.      What is OCD? Why does Sam try to hide her friends from her OCD condition?
6.      If you was Sam would you tell your friends about your mental illness, OCD condition?
7.      What does Samantha think of Carolyn when she first meet her?
8.      What is Poet’s Corner? How does Samantha know about it?
9.      Why is AJ, the unofficial Poet’s Corner leader hesitant to include Samantha at first?
10.  What does Samantha want her friend to call her Sam? Do you have a nick name you want to be called?
11.  Who is shrink Sue? Why does Sam have to meet her every Wednesday for 1 hour?
12.  Why do AJ and other members of the secret Poet’s Corner allow Samantha to join?
13.  What do you think of Sam’s and AJ’s relationship?
14.  If you were Sam would you break the relationship with Crazy Eight? Why or why not?
15.  How does Sam react when she knows who was Carolyn and what happened to her?
16.  In your own opinion is Carolyn a ghost or an imagination friend?
17.  Do you know anyone who is with OCD condition? Do you think reading the book would help you to understand your friend or family member who are suffering from this metal illness?
18.  Do you like the book? From 1-5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book?

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