
Monday, March 28, 2022





1. What was Gilly’s reason for stealing from the royals to help support her family and why did she feel it was necessary?

2. Do you think Gilly was wrong for stealing to help her family and if so why?

3. If you were in Gilly’s situation what would you have done differently to help your family?

4. What is FTRS? Do you think Gilly should have been placed at FTRS?

5. Who is Headmistress Flora?

6. Who are Gilly friends at FTRS?

7. How did Gilly save the princesses when they come to visit FTRS on the Royal day?

8. Harlow, the evil queen, pretended to be concerned about Gilly and proud of her after she saves the day; why do you think she was in such a rush to release her from FTRS?

9. Gilly decided to stay at FTRS even though she was given an early release, why did she decide not to leave?

10. How did Gilly’s sister Anna feel about Gilly not wanting to leave FTRS and return home?

11. What did Gilly want to prove to her father?

12. To take over Enchantasia why did Gottie/Alva she need Harlow and the others help?

13. What happened during the fight in the dungeon? How did Gilly defeat Gottie/Alva?

14. Do you think Gilly was reformed at FTRS and why?

15. What do you think Gilly’s true power is?

16. Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author how would you end the story?

17. From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?

Every Last Word - Discussion Questions

1.      When Samantha was holding scissors to cut the stem from each rose what an unwanted thought she experienced?
2.      What do know about Samantha McAllister?
3.      What does swimming mean to Samantha?
4.      What is Crazy Eights nick name for? Does Samantha’s friendship with the Crazy Eights make her happy or unhappy?
5.      What is OCD? Why does Sam try to hide her friends from her OCD condition?
6.      If you was Sam would you tell your friends about your mental illness, OCD condition?
7.      What does Samantha think of Carolyn when she first meet her?
8.      What is Poet’s Corner? How does Samantha know about it?
9.      Why is AJ, the unofficial Poet’s Corner leader hesitant to include Samantha at first?
10.  What does Samantha want her friend to call her Sam? Do you have a nick name you want to be called?
11.  Who is shrink Sue? Why does Sam have to meet her every Wednesday for 1 hour?
12.  Why do AJ and other members of the secret Poet’s Corner allow Samantha to join?
13.  What do you think of Sam’s and AJ’s relationship?
14.  If you were Sam would you break the relationship with Crazy Eight? Why or why not?
15.  How does Sam react when she knows who was Carolyn and what happened to her?
16.  In your own opinion is Carolyn a ghost or an imagination friend?
17.  Do you know anyone who is with OCD condition? Do you think reading the book would help you to understand your friend or family member who are suffering from this metal illness?
18.  Do you like the book? From 1-5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book?

Eliza and Her Monsters - Discussion Questions



  1. Why doesn’t Eliza want to reveal her as LadyConstellation?  
  1. Eliza makes the choice to keep her online life and her personal life separate. Do you think this was a smart decision? Why or why not?   
  1. The magnitude of Eliza’s webcomic weighs pretty heavily on her head whenever she needs to draw and write new panels for the comic. Do you think that she’s managing the stress well? Why or why not? What could she do differently?  
  1. When Eliza first meets Wallace, she doesn’t confide in him that she’s the creator of Monstrous Sea. She continues to lie to him as their relationship develops. Do you believe Eliza was justified in doing this? Why or why not?  
  1. Why does Eliza feel disconnect towards her parents and two little brothers. If you were her would you feel the same?  
  1. In the novel, we learn the truth about Wallace and his father. How do you think he copes with his loss?   
  1. In her graduation piece in the local newspaper, Eliza’s parents mention that she’s the creator of Monstrous Sea, something Eliza has managed to keep hidden. Do you think that Eliza was justified in being angry at her parents?  
  1. If you were her, could you have handled it differently?  
  1. After her identity has been leaked to the world, Eliza’s anxiety hits a breaking point. Should she have gotten help before she hit this point? 
  1. Throughout the novel, the author includes some of Eliza’s sketches and panels from Monstrous Sea. How do you think these play into the narrative of the story? Would the story still have the same effect if these drawings had been left out? 
  1. Place yourself in Eliza’s shoes. Do you think you would have made the same decisions that she did regarding her friends and family? Why or why not?  
  1. After Eliza’s identity is revealed, she doesn’t feel like she can finish Monstrous Sea because of everything that happened. Do you think Eliza was justified in her decision to take a break from writing the webcomic? Why or why not? 
  1. Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author, would you end the story differently?  
  1. From 1 to 5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book?  


The Greenglass House - Discussion Questions



1. Who is Milo? What happens the first evening of Milo’s winter vacation? Why isn’t he happy about it?

2. What makes Milo think the new girl he meet is Meddy Caraway?

3. Why is Milo happy when Meddy encourages him to create a backstory for Negret?

4. Why do you think Milo is able to feel braver when he is acting as Negret?

5. If you were a character in this story, who would you cast yourself as? Why?

6. Discuss the five guests at The Greenglass House. Which guests were you suspicious of during the story and why? Mr. Vinge,  Georgie, Clam, Mrs. Hereward, Dr. Gowervine

7. What was each of the guest’s purposes in going to the house? What did they hope to achieve? Did they succeed?

8. What was your favorite piece of folklore from the novel and why?

9. Based on what clues Milo discover the true identity of Mr. Vinge?

10. Despite being a smuggler, a criminal, could Doc Holystone still be considered a good man? Why or why not?

11. What is Meddy’s true identity?

12. Did the ending of Greenglass House shock you? Why or why not?

13. What makes Greenglass House special to so many people? Why is it special to the Pine family? To the five guests? To Meddy? To smugglers?

14. Can you guess what would happen in the next book? Would you want to read the next book if it’s available?

15. What are your favorite details in the book? From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?


The Family Under the Bridge - Discussion Questions


     1.     Who was Armand? Where did Armand live? Why?
     2.    At the beginning of the story, did Armand like children? Why or why not?

3.     3.         Why did Armand jump back in surprise and horror when he looked under the bridge

4.       Who were Suzy, Paul, and Evelyne? Why were the three children hiding out under the bridge? 

5.       What did Armand reply when Suzy told her mama that he’s a nice, friendly old   tramp? 

6.       Why didn’t the children’s mother put her kids in the charity home until she found a  place for them to stay?

7.       How did Armand get money for lunch for the three children, himself, and the dog?  
      8. Why was Madame Calcet upset with Armand? Does Madame Calcet seem        unappreciative? Explain.

9.       When Armand returned to his old bridge, he found the children crying. Why were  they crying?

10.     Why was Suzy so happy when she saw Tinka’s  gypsy home on wheels?

11.     Why did the children’s mother cry when she saw the gypsy camp? 
12.     What did Suzy teach Tinka? What did Tinka teach Suzy? 

13.     The day before Christmas, what were the children excited about?

14.    What did Armand say that Father Christmas said about the house?

15.    Why did the Gypsies have to leave?

16.    Why did everyone at Halle’s market laugh at Paul when he tried to get a job?

17.    Why did Madame Calcet agree to let Armand work and help pay rent?

18.    What did Madame Calcet tell Armand he must do in order to get a job?

19.    Why did Armand take the low pay job?

20.    Do you like the ending of the book? From 1 to 5 how many stars would you rate the book

What to Say Next - Questions for Discussion


1.      Who is David Drucker? Is he being treated as a social outcast or he just doesn’t hang out with anyone?
2.      What happened to Kit Lowell?
3.      Why does Kit sit at David’s table away from her friends during lunch?
4.      Who did suggest David to make notes of every kid at his school? Why?
5.      What do you think of David’s sister Miney? Why is she home?
6.      What do you think of David’s makeover? Do you think David needs the makeover to be Kit’s friend?
7.      Why does Kit ask David to start the Accident Project? Would you do the same?
8.      What happens to David’s notebook? What does Kit do when she finds out about that?
9.      What would be the consequences to post personal contents from some else’s notebook to the internet?
10.  What would you do if someone post your diary to the internet?
11.  Why isn’t David afraid of the football team’s confrontation?
12.  The school principal blames David instead of the football team and the one who post his notebook to the internet, do you think it fair? Why or why not?
13.  How does Kit know her mom had an affair with Uncle Jack?
14.  If you were Kit, would you forgive your mom?
15.  Why did kit and her mom don’t want anyone to know that she was the driver in the accident that killed her dad?
16.  What do you think of David’s reaction when he knew that Kit was the driver in the accident that killed her dad?
17.  What are your favorite detail of the book? What are your least favorite details?
Do you like the book ending? If you were the author how would you end the story? From 1-5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book?

The Sun Is Also a Star - Discussion Questions


1.      1.        Do you believe in love at first sight?
2.      What is the significance of Natasha’s headphones? Why is she so attached to them?
3.      In the book, Daniel is faced with the choice of chasing a career that promises job security and financial stability, or chasing his passion in a field (poetry) that does not hold those same promises. Which “chase” do you think is more important?
4.      What pressures do young people face when choosing colleges, majors, career paths, etc.? Where do those pressures come from?
5.      Daniel believed in fate. Natasha did not. Are you more like Daniel or Natasha? Using examples from the book, explain how you are alike.
6.      Do you consider yourself left-brained (logical, math, science) or right-brained (creative, art, writing)?
7.      How does Daniel plan to prove true love exists to Natasha?
8.      Why is Natasha primarily concerned about falling in love with Daniel? 
What happens to Daniel and Natasha at the Norebang? 
10.  Do you think the main characters were in love? What does it take to love someone?
11.  Have you ever discussed someone’s culture with them? What kind of things did you learn?
12.  How do Natasha and Daniel’s parents’ histories affect the ways they interact with their children?
13.  Daniel’s and Natasha’s parents are chasing the American Dream. What is the American Dream? Is it possible to achieve it? Did any of the characters achieve it?
14.  Does Natasha deserve to go home? Why or why not?
15.  Do you think Natasha and Daniel ended up together forever after the end of the book?
16.  Do you believe one day can change someone’s life?
17.  What seems to be the explanation for Daniel, Natasha, and Irene to all be on the same plane ten years later? 
18.  What was your favorite part of The Sun Is Also a Star?