
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

scussion Questions

1.     Where did Jack first plan to take Cora on his first date? Why did his change his mind?

2.     How did Jack, Cora and Austin enter the underworld?

3.     Was Jack a freak? What made him think so?

4.     Did Jack regret that he took Cora to the underworld? Why?

5.     Who was actually “ The Living Avenger”? Explain.

6.     Why was Euri sad when she found out Professor Schmitt couldn’t help Jack and Cora to find the way back to the living world?

7.     Who was Nate? Why did Euri haunt him?

8.     Who was Colonel Mann? Did he a good ghost?

9.     Who was General Viele? Why was his haunted site classified?

10.   Why didn’t Euri want Jack to stay in the underworld? Was she Jack’s good friend?

11.   Was Jack a good friend of Austin? Why did Jack decide to go back to save Austin?

12.     What do you learn about the friendship between Jack, Eurin, Cora and Austin? 

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