
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Discussion Questions

1.      Why were there so many French names in New Orleans?

2.      Why was Jessie's family so poor? What had happened in the past to cause this poverty?

3.      What was Jessie mother's occupation?

4.      What happened to Jessie when he comes back from his aunt’s house?

5.      Why are one of the chapters in the book called "The Moonlight"?

6.      What business was Moonlight engaged in? were it a dangerous business? Why?

7.      How many crews in the ship including Jessie? What did Purvis mean when he said”:… all because of you, so watch your step for if something goes wrong, it 'll be your fault. Don' t forget Jonah and what happened to him, only you shall land up in the belly of a shark-" s. Explain what Purvis means. What is he referring to when he talks about a Jonah?

8.      Why did Jessie mistrust Stout, who was nice to him, and trusted Purvis who's rough with him?

9.      Why has Jessie difficulties getting used to life on a ship?

10.  What was Jessie’s main job on the Moonlight?

11.  Is there no cure for such a disease?" Jessie  asked. "None," replied Ned. "No more than there's a cure for man himself." What did Ned mean with that?

12.  Why did the captain throw Nicholas Spark overboard?

13.  What did Stout want from Jessie? Why did he steal his pipe and threw it into the hold? Why did he forced Jessie down into the hold to search for it?

14.  Stout thought he saw a British ship and the Captain ordered the Spanish flag down and the American flag up. Why did  he do that?

15.  When the Captain realized that the ship was American and he shouted: "Stout! You've murdered me!" Why did he say that?

16.  Why did they throw the slaves overboard?

17.  What happened to Moonlight and its crews and captain in the end?

18.  Was Jessie a good swimmer? How did he survive?

19.  Why does the old man want Jessie to tell him all about "that ship"?
Why does he say" "That's the way it was,..."

20.  Would Jessie tell anyone about the Daniel? Why or why not?

21.  Who was the slave dancer?

22.  Why was Jessie unable to listen to the music later in his life ?

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