
Monday, March 14, 2016


1.     Naomi suffers from amnesia after falling and hitting her head. What is amnesia? What causes it? How can it be treated? What happens to Naomi when she waked-up?

2.     When Naomi realizes that her parents had a very nasty divorce, her attitude towards them after her accident is very different than her attitude towards them before her accident. Why?

3.     When Naomi first gets back home, she finds her old food journal. She says, “I felt disgusting. I mean, really, what kind of person keeps a food diary?” Is there anything about your life right now that you might have a similar reaction to if you looked at it from a stranger’s perspective?

4.     Naomi seems to be very much like two different people: The Naomi before the accident, and the Naomi after the accident. Does the new Naomi like the old one? Why or Why not?

5.     What are the differences between Ace. Will and James? Can you explain why does Naomi attract to James?

6.     Naomi’s boyfriend may not be the best guy for her, but he is a jock and is popular in school. How important is it to be popular in high school? Is it worth being with the wrong person if it means a higher social status?

7.     When Naomi cuts her hair, she says “…I felt like I was getting rid of someone’s expectation of me…It was the end of normal. The girl in the yearbook would never have had short hair.” How do you think she was feeling about her “former” self at that point? What does her haircut signify?

8.     When Naomi starts from scratch and gets to know her friend Will all over again, she starts to notice more about him, and possibly falls in love. What do you think Naomi noticed about Will that she hadn’t noticed before? What do you think she liked about Will that she didn’t have with her boyfriend?

9.     Do you think it’s reckless of Naomi to get involved with someone like James? Why do you think Naomi is drawn to James, given how different he is from Ace and Will?

10.    When and how does Naomi regain her memory, why does she feel reluctant to tell anyone?

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