
Friday, March 11, 2016

DEADLINE - Discussion Questions

1.     What do you think of  Ben Wolf?

2.     What do you think of Ben’s decision to keep his health condition to himself? 

3.     Why didn’t Ben want to join the football team before?

4.     How was Ben as a football player?

5.     Who is Dallas Suzuki? Do you think she really like him? Why?

6.     Who is  Mr. Lambeer?

7.     Why did Ben want to confront him?  Do you think Ben was wrong or right in doing so? 

8.     Why did Ben want a street in his town to be named Malcolm X

9.     Who was Hey-Soos?  Do you think Ben really had conversations with Hey-Soos?

10.  Why did Ben chose his coach to be the first person to share his secret?

11.   Do you like the way the story ends? If  so, why. If not, what would you change

12. Overall, how did you feel reading this book? Did the book hold your  interest?  Did it make you angry, sad, laugh? 

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