
Thursday, March 10, 2016

BUD, NOT BUDDY - Discussion Questions

1.     What makes Bud so self-conscious and protective of his name? What is special about his name? Why did Bud's mother name him Bud?

2.     Why did Bud run away from the Amos’ house?

3.     Why is the suitcase so important to Bud? If you were Bud, what items would you put in your suitcase? Why?

4.     Describe the relationship between Bugs and Bud. Why do you think Bugs was so important to Bud?

5.     Bud and his mother discussed doors opening and closing. How did this metaphor relate to Bud?

6.     Was  Hooverville a name of a city? Where did the name Hooverville come from?

7.     How did  Bud know Deza Malone? What did he remember most about her, and their romantic night?

8.     How did Bud feel when he missed the train?  Are you surprised by Bud's decision to walk to Grand Rapids? Do you think he will make it?

9.     How did Bud know Mr. Lewis?  Why did Bud first think he was "the vampire"?

10.  What do you think about Lefty Lewis and his family? And how did Bud get to Grand Rapids?

11.  How does Bud feel towards "Herman E. Calloway" in his first encounter with him?  Do you think that Herman Calloway is really Bud's father? List reasons that he might be and reasons that he might not be.

12. Bud says that his eyes don't cry anymore. Why do you think his eyes don't cry?

13. At the restaurant, while eating with the band. Bud first laughed then he cried, Why do you think Bud begins to cry?

14.  Who was Bud's favorite band member?  Why did Herman Calloway name his house Grand Calloway’s station?

15.  What was Bud’s nickname? Why did he need a nickname?

16.  Bud seems to really like Miss Thomas, as he refers to her as "the most beautiful woman in the world". Who do you think Miss Thomas resembles? What did she do in the band?
17.  What was the first clue that Herman Calloway knew that Bud was his kin? Why do you think Bud's mom saved the flyers that Bud keeps in his suitcase?

18.  Was Herman Calloway Bud’s father? What did Bud think when he knew the truth of his relationship with Herman Calloway?

19.   What do you think of Bud ‘s list of rules?

20.  Why did Bud leave the flyers and the rocks at Herman Calloway’s room? What does Bud mean when he says that he is carrying his momma inside him?

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