
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SO B. IT - Questions for Discussion

1. The title, SO B. IT, could have several meanings. What do you think the title means?

2. Heidi says she is "just plain lucky" List two other instances where Heidi shows she is lucky. 

3. Describe how Bernadette became a part of Heidi and Mama's life.

4. Bernadette selflessly and patiently takes care of Heidi and her mother, who both need a caretaker. Why do you think she is willing to spend her time and money on people she does not know? What benefits, if any, does Bernie receive?

5. Describe why Bernadette can't go outside. What happens when she tries?

6. Bernadette compares Mama's brain to a broken machine: "All the basic parts are there...but inside there are lots of mysterious little pieces busted or bent or missing altogether,"  Explain what Bernadette means.

7. When Heidi first meets Zander, she doesn't like him. Explain how they become friends and what Heidi comes to appreciate about him.

8. When Heidi develops the mysterious roll of film and brings the pictures home to view, Bernie asks her, "What's the worst it could be?" Heidi responds: "nothing. The worst would be if there was nothing" . Why would nothing have been the worst thing for Heidi to find?

9. When Heidi makes a list of what she knows about her mama, why does she only put one thing on it-the name So B. It, What else could she add to that list?

10. How do you think things would have turned out differently for Heidi if Bernadette had convinced her not to go to Liberty? Do you think Heidi could have ever been satisfied if she didn't try to find out about her past?

11. On the bus to Liberty, Heidi.  tries lying herself. Why do you think Heidi lies about her family to Alice Wilinsky? How does she feel about her lies both before and after she gets caught?

12. Heidi is afraid to take the trip to Liberty alone, and several times en route she is ready to turn around and return home to Bernie. What is the driving force that keeps her on the road to Liberty? Does she have any regrets. If so, what are they?

13. When Heidi lies to Alice, she realizes her lies are unnecessary but that she doesn't feel remorseful until she gets caught (p117). What do you think this indicates about Heidi's character and her search for identity?

14. Heidi realizes she doesn't miss her dad because she has never known him, therefore life without him seems normal. She tells Georgia, "You can't miss what you don't remember having". Do you think this is true? Why or why not? What are some experiences you have longed for even though you have never had them?

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