
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

sion questions

1.   Describe Catherine’s relationship with David

2.   Why did Catherine try to hide David from Kristi?

3.   How does David stand in the way of what Catherine want for herself? What has she done by resolve that?

4.   What are Catherine’s feelings about Jason when she first meets him?

5.   What do you think would’ve happened if Catherine had been honest right away with Kristi and told her about Jason? Why wasn’t Catherine honest? What do you think she was afraid of?

6.   When Kristi has David dance in Catherine’s room is she being mean? Since he wasn’t upset by it, should Catherine have stopped the music?
7.   Why did Jason upset with Catherine at his birthday party?

8.   What does Jason think about Catherine’s rules? Do you agree with him?

9.   What choices does Catherine make near the end of the book that shows growth on her part?

10. What does Catherine give up at the dance? What does she give up at the final chapter with David

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