
Thursday, March 17, 2016

THE NIGHT TOURIST - Discussion questions

1.     Can you describe Jack?

2.     Why did Jack’s father never talk to him about his mother?

3.     After the accident what did happen to Jack?

4.     Why did Jack’s father send him to New York to see Dr. Lyons?  

5.     What did Jack take from the doctor’s office?

6.     How did Jack meet Euri?

7.     When Jack decided to go with Euri to be “an urban explorer “
do you think he is wise or foolish?

8.     Who was Euri? Can you describe her?

9.     Can you describe New York underworld?

10.   Why did people there know Jack was still alive?

11.  Did Professor Schmitt know that Jack was alive?
Why or why not?

12.   Why did Jack want to stay in New York underworld?

13.  Would you do the same if you were Jack?

14.   Euri seemed to have secrets or issues,  why did she avoid talking about how she died or about her parents?

15.  Why did Euri haunt the penthouse?

16.   How did Jack know the people in the penthouse still remembered her?

17.   What was Euri’s real name?  How did Jack know Euri’s real name?

18. At the end Jack realize what he was destined to do “ He needed to bring Euri back to the living world with him” Why?

19. Who did come to the underworld to bring Jack’s mother to the living world?

20.  Why had she returned to the underworld instead of staying with him?
Do you think Jack’s mother was glad to be found by Jack?

21.   How would you feel if you were Jack?

22.   How does Jack enable his mother to move on?

23.   At the end Jack decided to look for Euri to find out where the guards took her instead of finding his mother. Do you agree with his decision? Why? What would you do?

24.    Do you think Euri was friendly with Jack so he would bring her back to the living world?

25.   Did Jack’s father wish that Jack could bring his mother back to him?

26.   Are you disappointed when Jack failed to bring Euri back to the living world?

27.   What did Jack actually find there?

28.   What do you think about the ending? 

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