
Friday, March 5, 2021

The Vanderbeeker of 141st Street - Discussion Questions


1.                          1.     How many kids are in the Vanderbeeker family?


2.   How are the Vanderbeeker siblings alike and how are they different?


3.     What does Mrs. Vanderbeeker do?


4.     What does Mr. Vanderbeek do for living? What does he do to help Mr. Beiderman?


5.     What do the children think the first meeting with their parents is about?


6.     Why do the Vanderbeekers have to leave the apartment?


7.     If you were one of the Vanderbeeker kids how would you feel to leave your home?


8.     Who is Mr. Beiderman?


9.     What did the kids and pet do to make Mr. Beiderman mad?


10.What is the amazing Christmas present the children want to give their parents?


11.What is Operation Beiderman?


12.What is Laney's idea to change Mr. Biederman's mind?


13.What do other kids try to do to change Mr. Biederman’s mind?


14.If Mr. Biederman was your landlord, what would you do to change his mind?


15.Should the kids have created their neighborhood petition? Why or why not?


16.Why is Isa angry with Jesse? If you was Isa would you forgive Jesse?


17.Do you like the ending? If you were the author, would you end the story differently?


18.From 1 to 5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book? 






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