
Friday, March 5, 2021

Front Desk - Discussion Questions


1.     Why did Mia and her parents have to share a hamburger?

2.     How did Mia know Jason? What are the differences between Mia and Jason?

3.     What is Mia’s job at the motel? How did she handle her job?

4.     Mia and her mum argue when Mia gets a math question wrong at school. The argument ends when Mia’s mum says “You know what you are in English? You’re a bicycle, and the other kids are cars.” (p. 157) What do you think Mia’s mum meant by this?

5.     Discuss the idea that the adults in this story and in your own life don’t always say the right thing and are just as affected by emotions and stress as you are.

6.     What should you do if you realize you’ve said something hurtful to another person?

7.     Who are the weeklies? Why they are called weeklies?

8.     In what situation Mia said: “I wondered what was better–to have had something for just a second and then have it take away, or to have never had it at all.”?

9.     Mia’s parents are treated unfairly by Mr. Yao, the motel owner. Why don’t they just quit?

10.Mia has a keen sense of social justice. Find examples in the text of when she witnessed an injustice and decided to do something about it.

11.Mia and Lupe develop a strong friendship. How does their relationship start?

12.In Chapter 35 Mia makes a list of American phrases and customs to help her fellow Chinese immigrants. What do you think of this list?

13.Why does Mia want to enter the essay writing contest? How does she think winning will help her family?

14.What did Mia do to get $300 to pay for the contest submission fee?

15.How does Hank demonstrate bravery and selflessness when Mia’s mum is attacked in Chapter 42?

16.In the story Mia writes letters to express her feelings and to help others (such as Hank and Uncle Zhang). Discuss the power of a well-written letter and how Mia’s carefully edited letters are good examples of persuasive texts.

17.When Mia and Lupe crack the case of the missing Thunderbird and Hank is able to confront Officer Phillips, Hank tells him “Don’t be sorry. Be better.” (p. 229). What does Hank mean by this?

18.How does Mia help her family and friends get a chance to escape the poverty cycle?

19.Do you like the ending?

20.What are your favorite details in the book?


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