
Friday, March 5, 2021

Granted - Discussion questions


1.       Before reading, consider the book’s title and examine its cover closely. Try to predict parts of the novel based on those aspects of the book. When you finish reading, review which of your predictions were right or close to right. Do you think the title works well for the story?

2.       Describe Ophelia’s character as the story opens. What words and actions show you what she’s like? How confident is she about her ability to grant wishes?

3.       Compare and contrast Ophelia and Charlie. What do they have in common? How are they different? Why do you think the two of them are friends?

4.       What is Ophelia’s first mission?

5.       Just before she approaches the fountain, Ophelia says, “This is Agent Fidgets, in position. Target acquired. I’m going in” (p. 107) what does she sound to you?

6.       What happens to the wishing coin?

7.       Ophelia faces a series of obstacles and setbacks on her mission, most of them unexpected. Which obstacles taught Ophelia the most?

8.       When is the first time Ophelia meet Gabe and Anna?  Why are they important in the story? How do the siblings interact with each other, and with their mother? Explain what happens to them in the end.

9.       What does Ophelia think of Sam when she first meets him? What does she learn from him? How does he help her?

10.   When the two wishes merged near the end, Ophelia has to decide which wish to grant: “Her mission. Her call” (p. 272). When do you learn what she decided? Why did she make that decision?

11.   If you were Ophelia, what wish would you choose to grant? Why?  Do you think Ophelia made the right choice?

12.   Describe Squint’s personality, his job, and what he believes about wish-granting. How does Ophelia feel about him? What happens between them in Gabe’s yard?

13.   In the end, what does Squint think about Ophelia’s mission and how she conducted it?

14.   How is Ophelia different at the end of the book than at the beginning? What specifically led to the changes in her?

15.   Ophelia believes that being a Granter is the best job in the Haven. Why does she think that? Do you agree, and why or why not?

16.    How does Ophelia mission change what Granters will be able to do in the future?

17.   Throughout the story, you learn the history of wishes, the Haven, and the Tree. Give the highlights of that history and explain how wishes were granted in the past and why the current system is in place

18.   A Wish Worth Granting. What is a wish worth granting? 


19.   What are your favorite details in the book?

20.   Do you like the ending? If you were the writer how would you end the story?


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