
Friday, March 5, 2021

Crenshaw - Discussion questions



1.     Describe Crenshaw when he first appears in the book. What is Jackson’s reaction when he sees Crenshaw? 

2.     Why doesn’t Jackson like made-up stories? Why is it so important for him to have a logical explanation for everything that happens?

3.     Why does Jackson’s dad have to quit his job? Describe Jackson’s family situation?

4.     When are the times in Jackson’s life that Crenshaw appears? Which events occur that create a need for Jackson to have Crenshaw in his life?

5.     Why did Jackson and his sister named after the guitars

6.     Why does Jackson feel different from the other members of his family? Describe scenes in the story where Jackson feels separate from them.

7.     Identify times in the story when Jackson realizes how important his family is to him.

8.     Compare Crenshaw and Aretha in the way they behave. Can Aretha see Crenshaw the way Jackson can?

9.     Why does Jackson keep telling Crenshaw to leave?

10. What does Crenshaw mean when he says: “Imaginary friends don’t come of their own volition. We are invited.” (p. 76)

11. Why did Jackson and his Dad have go to Best Buy to watch the San Francisco Giants game?

12. Why does Jackson steal the dog cookie? How does he feel about the few times that he has stolen from a store?

13. Why does Jackson make a cardboard sign that has a smiling fish sitting in a canoe with the words "ID RATHER BE FISHING"?

14. Do you know anyone whose parents lost their job and faces the same situation like Jackson’s?

15. When did Crenshaw go away in Jackson’s life earlier? Why has Jackson never told Marisol about Crenshaw and about his family’s problems? Why does he tell her now?

16. How does Jackson learn that his father had an imaginary friend named Finian when he was a child?

17. Discuss the theme of friendship in this book. How did Jackson and Marisol become friends? 

18. Do you have an imagine friend? Do you know anyone who has imagine friend?

19. Discuss the theme of magic in this story. What is the meaning of “magic” in the context of Jackson’s life? Why did he want to reveal how the magician’s tricks worked at school? Discuss Marisol’s comment: “Just enjoy the magic while you can, okay?” (p. 160)




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