
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Nightbooks - Discussion Questions



1.    1. Where did Alex go to after his family had fallen asleep? How did he get to the wrong floor?

2.  How did Alex get caught by Natacha?

3. Who was the girl on the other side of the locked door? What was the first thing she said to Alex

4. What was Natacha’s business?

5. What was Alex supposed to do all day that bought him more time before the witch did whatever she was planning on doing with him?

6.  Who was Lenore's? What was he job?

7.  If Alex didn’t tell the scary stories what would happen to him?

8. Why did Alex think he had time to look at the books in the library instead of writing?

9.  What did Alex find in the library?

10. What do you think happened to the kid who wrote in the margins of books in the witch's library

11. How did Yasmin get caught by the witch?

12. The spell on the apartment leads children to see, hear, and smell their favorite things in order to entice them inside. What would the apartment use to lure you in?

13. What was Yasmin’s job?

14. Alex and Yasmin discuss different ideas for how to escape the apartment. What plan would you use

15. Alex has a passion for writing scary stories and Yasmin has a passion for baseball. What are you passionate about?

16. How did Alex trick Natacha to into telling him and Yasmin the final ingredient of the sleeping oil

17. Once Alex and Yasmin escape into the woods, they are confronted with bizarre unicorn-like creatures. What do you think is the connection between these creatures and Unicorn Girl?

18. What happened after Alex and Yasmin escaped the Unicorns?

19. Why did Alex think Natacha was hundreds year old? How old was Natacha and who was her actually?

20. When Natacha was made to clean the oven, she became a different person. Why?

21. If you were Alex would you eat the stew Natacha offered?

22. Who was Aunt Gris? Why couldn’t Natacha kill Aunt Gris after putting her to sleep?

23. Why did Natacha need Alex to tell scary stories?

24. What was reason Alex wanted to destroy his nightbooks?

25. What did Alex do to wake Aunt Gris up?  

26. What happened to Natacha after Aunt Gris waking up?

27. How did Alex and Yasmin kill Aunt Gris?

28. Do you like the ending? If you were the author how would you end the story?


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