
Friday, March 5, 2021

Restart - Discussion Questions


  1. Chase Ambrose has amnesia due to a fall from the roof. He can remember some things – like how to talk. He doesn’t remember other things – like his own name. He doesn’t recognize his parents. He has one memory of a girl in a blue dress, but no idea who she is. How would you feel if this (memory loss) happened to you?
  1. Shoshanna Weber’s brother has been sent to a boarding school because he was the target of school bullies. And the biggest bully of all was none other than Chase Ambrose. Yet when he sees Shoshanna after his accident, he actually smiles at her. How would you feel if you were Shoshanna?
  1. What are some major changes that happened to Chase's personality after amnesia?
  1. What do you think of Chase joining the video club?
  1. What do you think of Shoshanna’s reaction to Chase becoming a member of the video club?
  1. If you were Brendon Espinoza, what would you think of having Chase as your camera man?
  1. At the car wash the manager immediately jumps to the conclusion that the stunt was Chase’s idea/fault until Brendan explains the truth. Is the manager’s conclusion justified?
  1. Chase was exempt from his community service at the Portland Street Assisted Living Residence due to his accident. So why does he go back to do it?
  1. Why do you think Kimberly joined the video club?
  1. What was happening to Chase's relationship with Aaron and Bear after he came back from his incident?
  1. The project with Mr. Solway and Chase has become the biggest thing in Shoshanna’s life – and yet she feels she can’t tell Joel. Do you agree with her? Do you agree with her new view of Chase or do you think her parents are correct?
  1. Bear and Aaron set up the incident to frame Chase. Why doesn’t Chase tell the truth to Dr. Fitzwallace?
  1. How do you think Chase felt after he remembered where the little girl and the blue dress memory came from?
  1. How do you think Shoshanna felt after she saw the evidence that Chase was trying to help Brendon and Joel in the fire extinguisher accident and not hurt them?
  1. In the end Chase tries to do the right thing and return the Medal of Honor. What obstacles does he face? What help does he have?
  1. Chase takes full blame and ends up back in court. Does this seem fair? What do you think of the outcome?
  1. Do you believe that Chase has really changed? Do you think he can ever live down his reputation as a bully?
  1. What are your favorite characters, favorite details in the book? From 1 to 5, how many stars would you rate the book?





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