
Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Magician’s Nephew - Discussion Questions


1.     Why was Digory so sad in the beginning of the book?

2.     What kind of animal did Uncle Andrew use for his experiment to send something to another world?

3.     Why did Uncle Andrew need the children for his experiment?

4.     How did Uncle Andrew trick Polly to take part in his experiment?

5.     Why did Digory agree to take part in his Uncle’s experiment

6.     What do you think of Digory’s Uncle Andrew?  What kind of person is he?

7.     Why did Digory ring the bell that awakened Queen Jadis? If you were Digory, would you ring the bell?

8.     What do you think of Queen Jadis?

9.     How did Queen Jadis come into London?

10.      What happened when the Queen go shopping in London?

11.      How did Digory and Polly remove the Queen from London? 

12.      Where did they go? And how many people followed them?

13.      What happened when they arrived at the young new world?

14.      How did Narnia come into existence?

15.      What did the Queen do when she saw the singing Lion?  

16.      Why did Digory think he should bring his mother to the new land?

17.      What was Uncle Andrew plan to make money in the new land?  What do you think of this plan?

18.      Why did the animals not know how to tell that Uncle Andrew was the same type of creature as Polly, Digory, and the Cabby?

19.      Who were the first King and Queen of Narnia?

20.      What was the purpose of the apple Aslan wanted from the garden? Why was Digory the one who had to get it?

21.      What things did the Witch tempt Digory to do with the apple? What did she tell him it would do?

22.      What would have happened if Digory had eaten a stolen apple or taken it to his mother? What would be the difference if he had permission?

23.      Who is your favorite character? Least favorite? Why?

24.      Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author, how would you end the story?


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