1. Who is Lasgol
Eklund? Why is he being bullied and treated so poorly at his village?
2. Is Lasgol
surprised when he gets the invitation to join the Rangers? Why does he choose to
3. If you were
Lasgol would you join the Rangers?
4. Who are Lasgol’s
teammates in the Rangers Camp? Among them who is your favorite? Why?
5. What is the
special item that belong to Lasgol’s father? What happens to it?
6. How do Lasgol
and his teammates do at the training? What are their fear?
7. Why does
everyone suspect that the person who tried to kill Lasgol might be an inside
8. What makes
Lasgol break his promise to his father to use his Gift?
9. When did Lasgol
know he is gifted? Why do his teammate get mad at him for hiding his gifted
power specially Nilsa?
10.If you were
Lasgol would you reveal you Gift? If you were one of his teammate would you mad
at Lasgol for hiding it?
11.Who is Lasgol’s
assassin? How do Lasgol’s teammates save him?
12.Who is Isgord?
Why does he hate Lasgol and trying to main him?
13.How does Lasgol
save the King?
14.Is Daven being
himself when he shot at the King? What happened to him?
15.How does Lasgol’s
clear his father’s name?
16.Do you like the
book ending? If you were the author how would you end the story?
17.Do you want to
read the next book? Can you guess what would happen in the next book?
18.From 1 to 5,
how many stars would you rate the book?
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