
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Game Changer - Discussion questions


1.     Who is Ash? When does he notice something is wrong?


2.     What is Ash’s original universe?  


3.     Describe the second universe Ask enters? What is the issue Ask need to deal with in this universe?


4.     Who are the skaters? Who are the center of the universe?


5.     If you were Ash? Would you happy to stay in the second universe or you want to change it?


6.     What are the major changes in Ash’s third universe? What are the issue Ash have to deal with in this universe?


7.     What would you do if your entire world has changed, and you are the only one to remember how it should be?


8.     What do you think of Ash’s 4th universe?


9.     What would you do if you woke up and found yourself turn to the opposite sex?


10.According to the book what is Multi-Universe? If you were Ash what universe would you choose?


11.Do you like the ending? If you were author how would you end the story?


12.Do you think it’s too much in one book to open up a lot of conversations on subjects like racism, sexism, homophobia, and abuse?


13.Do you have any problem to understand the book? What is your favorite details in the book?


14.Do you like the book? Is sci-fi is now your favorite genre?

How many stars would you rate the book?

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