
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Shadow of the Fox - Discussion Questions


1.     Why did Suki’s father send her to work for Lady Satomi? What happened to Suki?


2.     What do you know about Yumeko when she was in the Temple of the Silent Winds?


3.     What was the Temple of the Silent Winds’ secret task? Why did Yumeko have to flee the Temple?


4.     What do you know about Kage Tasumi? Why did he travel to the Temple of Silent Winds?


5.     How did Yumiko and Tasumi meet? Why didn’t Tasumi kill her when they met?


6.     What did Yumiko ask Tasumi promise? Why did she do so? Why did he agree?


7.     What happened when they arrived the Lantern Town? Who did attacked Yumeko? Who did save Yumiko from them?


8.     Why didn’t Yumiko tell Tasumi that she was a half-kisune? Does it mean she is dishonest?  If you was Yumiko would you tell Tasumi who you really are?


9.     How did Yumiko save Tasumi’s life during the fight with the wind witch?


10.Why did Tasumi reluctant to let Yumiko help apply medicine and bandage his wounds?


11.Who is Okami? How did he join Yumiko and Tasumi?


12.What happened at Yamatori village? Why the village was cursed? What did Yumiko do to help them?


13.Who was Demon Prince? Why did he want to join their team?


14.Did they find Master Jiro at the Steel Feather temple?  Where was he? How did Yumiko and the others find him?


15.Why did at the end Hakaimono tell Yumiko “I did want to thank you personally, little fox,” he said. “After all, it’s because of you that I’m here.”?


16.What happened to Lady Satomi? Who was Seigetsu? Can you guess what would happen to the next book?  


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