![Image result for the girl from everywhere](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/416OtR9YEzL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
1. Why is the title of the book The Girl From Everywhere?
2. Can you describe Nix? What do you know about her?
2. Can you describe Nix? What do you know about her?
3. What is navigate? If you could navigate, where would you go?
4. Who are the Temptation’s crew members?
5. What Nix’s father obsessed with?
6. Why would her father obsession conflict with Nix’s existence? 7. Who is Auntie Joss?
8. Who own the map Nix’s father wanted? What does Nix’s father need to do to get the map?
9. What do Mr. D and his associates?
10. What do you think of Nix’s father? Is he a good father to Nix?
11. Why does Mr. Hart shoot Blake? Is he Blake’s father?
12. How does Blake survive his wound?
13. Is Kashmir Nix’s best friend or more than that?
14. Who is Blake?
15. Do you like the love triangle between Nix, Kashmir and Blake? If you were Nix, would you choose Kashmir or Blake?
16. What is your favorite character in the book? What do and don’t like about the book?
17. If you was the author, would you change the book ending?
18. Could you guess what would happen in the next book
Link to download the book for free:
Happy reading!
Link to download the book for free:
Happy reading!
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