
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

13 Little Blue Envelopes - Discussion Questions

  1. What is the 4th Noodle?  Why does Ginny go there?
  2. If you was Ginny, what would you do after you receive the packet from Aunt Peg?
  3. How does Ginny get the PIN to her ATM card?
  4. What is “mysterious benefactor day?” Who does Ginny finally choose to donate money to?
  5. Why do Keith and Ginny fight?
  6. How does Ginny meet Beppe? What happens between Beppe and Ginny?
  7. What does Ginny visit first in Paris?
  8. How does Ginny find the café her aunt worked in?
  9. How do Keith and Ginny meet in Paris? How do they spend their time in Paris?
  10. What does Ginny decide to do in Amsterdam and who does she spend time with there?
  11. What secret does Olivia share with Ginny?
  12. Why had Aunt Peg visited Copenhagen?
  13. What does Ginny find out about her Aunt Peg in this letter?
  14. What happens to Ginny and her friends on the beach in Greece?
  15. What secret does Richard finally tell Ginny?
  16. What does Ginny find behind Aunt Peg’s Manet picture?
  17. Why did Aunt Peg delay selling her paintings?
  18. What do you think of Aunt Peg? Would you want to have an Aunt like her?
  19. What does Ginny feel Aunt Peg wanted her to do in the last letter?
  20. What do you think Ginny learned from her adventure?

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