
Thursday, September 13, 2018

A List of Cages - Questions for Discussion

Image result for A List of Cages

1. What do you know about Adam?

2. How did Adam know Julian?

3. Imagine if you were becoming friends with Julian and he trusted you enough to tell you this story. How do you think you would react? How would it affect your friendship?

4. Do you know anyone like Russell?

5. Do you think Julian will be able to move forward and live a “normal” life?

6. Have you ever known someone with ADHD? How does Adam, if at all, remind you of them?

7. How does Charlie change his attitude toward Julian?

8. Do you agree with Adam’s decision to not contact the police about Russell’s abuse? Part of the reason he agrees not to is Emerald’s argument that Russell will only get a few days of jail time and then be back with Julian. Do you think that would happen? How would you have handled it?

9. How did Adam save Julian?

10. Adam almost breaks up with Emerald because of Julian? Do you think he is over reacting? Why or why not?

11. Julian’s life is literally saved by his friendship with Adam. Given that Adam and his friends are seniors and Julian is a freshman, how do you think the next three years of high school will go for Julian?

12. A List of Cages tackles very complicated, disturbing, and important issues and questions. Can you tell what are they?

13. One of the most unsettling parts of the novel is the idea that abuse can occur and no one realizes what’s happening. Does that idea make you reconsider how you view the people around you in your school or community? Do you think that was part of the author’s intent?

14. The book’s title comes from a sentence fairly late in the book: “The things I know stay in my head as I stand on my own two feet at the end of the day, and I walk back to my room with my journal to write my list of cages.” What does that mean to you?

15. Do you like the book ending? If you were the author how would you want to end the story?

 Link to download the book for free-

Happy reading!

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