![Image result for the running dream](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41jUHX93H3L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
1. Why is Jessica’s injury so particularly devastating for her?
2. Do you think Jessica’s up and down emotions are normal or to dramatic?
3. How would you react if you lost one of your limbs?
4. At first, Jessica wished she had lost an arm instead. Which would be better/worse?
5. Who is Sherlock? Why is Jessica so happy to see him when she returns home? Why does Sherlock’s morning routine bring Jessica so many mixed feelings?
6. How do her friends and teammates show support for her?
7. Who do you think is Jessica’s best friend?
8. Does Jessica always appreciate the type of support that they offer her? Why or why not?
9. What is unique about Jessica and Rosa’s friendship?
10. How does Jessica feel about stepping out onto the sidewalk with her teammates during the “Help Jessica Run!” car wash? Discuss her mixed emotions.
11. Which physical limitations would be harder for you to handle – Jessica’s or Rosa’s?
12. In what ways did Rosa inspire Jessica?
13. How did Jessica show her appreciation for Rosa? Did this change the way others reacted toward her as well? How?
14. What inspired Jessica to think about running the River Run?
15. What do you think about Gavin? Did you like that they ended up together?
16. Do you think the romance between Jessica and Gavin was important plot point or did you wish it hadn’t been included?
17. Early on in the novel, Jessica tells readers that her dad always wants to “fix” things. Although Jessica’s disability does not represent anything that he can fix, how does he help her to successfully complete the River Run with Rosa?
18. What was the toughest obstacle you have ever overcome in your life and how did you do it?
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