
Monday, December 12, 2016


 1.       How many Katherines did you meet in your life as a teenager? How many times was Colin dumped by a girl named Katherines? Does it sound realistic to you?

2.  Why does Colin only date Katherines?  What is it that attracts him to that name, even down to the specific spelling?

3.       Who is Hassan? Do you want to have a friend like him

4.       What did Colin think of Lindsey when he first met her? What do you think of her?

5.        Why does Colin study so much? What is he trying to prove? What is the difference between him being a prodigy and a genius?

6.       Who is Hollis? Why does she hire Colin and Hassan to meet and interview people of Gutshot?

7.        Is Colin "normal"? Do we believe that he wants a normal adolescence, or does he want the attention of being a prodigy? Why does he complain about being a prodigy so much?

8.      Why does Lindsey Lee Wells have so many different versions of herself? Do you think that Lindsey is herself around Colin? Why or why not? If not, when do you think she was 'herself'?

9.       Do you agree that Colin was always the dumpee?

10.    What do you think of Colin’s theory that relationships are inherently predictable? Are they?

11.   What makes Colin and Lindsey a better match than Colin and Katherine?

12.   Colin spends most of the story devising a formula to predict romantic success. If it worked, would you use it? Why or why not?

13.   Hassan tells Colin, “I’m a notdoer.” What does he mean by this assessment of himself?

14.    How does the scene at the Memphis warehouse fit in with the rest of the book? What does it do to move the plot forward?

15.   Throughout the book, Colin worries about mattering, about being important, but in the last chapter he feels “not unique in the best possible way.” What helped him change his mind?

16.   What would happen to Gutshot and the people who work at the factory there?

17.   What do you think happened with Colin, Hassan, and Lindsey's road trip? Where do you think they ended up?

18.   What do you think of this book in comparing with other John Green’s books? 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The War that Saved my Life - Discussion Questions


1. Who is Ada? Why is Mam ashamed of her?  Why do you think Mam "wanted Ada to be a cripple?"
2.      What does Ada do when she is at home alone? Why doesn’t she share her secret with anyone?
3.      How do Ada and Jamie get out of London in the beginning of the story?
4.      Why are Ada and Jamie “the only ones not chosen” ? Why do they end up at Susan’s?
5.      When talking about Susan, Ada said, “She doesn’t like us. She didn’t want us, remember?”  Does Susan like the kids? Why or why not?
6.      Susan treats Ada with understanding and compassion? How does Ada respond to this kindness? Why?
7.      What do you know of Susan? Tell the untold story of Susan’s life as you imagine it might be.
8.      Ada stated, “I knew Susan wasn’t real. Or, if she was a tiny bit real, sometimes, at the very best she was only temporary” (p. 202). Later, on page 216 Ada said, “Susan was temporary. My foot was permanent.” Is Susan temporary for Ada? Why or why not?
9.      What does Jamie's teacher think about his 'lefty'?
10.   Is Ada capable of learning? Why is she afraid of learning at the beginning of the story?   
11.  On page 206 Ada said, “Somehow Christmas was making me feel jumpy inside. All this talk about being together and being happy and celebrating—it felt threatening. Like I shouldn’t be part of it. Like I wasn’t allowed. And Susan wanted me to be happy, which was scarier still.” Why is Ada feeling jumpy, threatened, and scared?
12.  When the police officer doesn’t believe Ada’s story about seeing a spy, what does she do and say to convince him?
13.  Why did their Mam come to take them back to the city?
14.  How does the way Mam treat Ada differ from the way Susan treats Ada?
15.  Why do you think Kimberly Brubaker Bradley decided to title the book The War That Saved My Life?
16.  In what ways did Susan save Ada’s and Jamie’s lives? How did Ada and Jamie save Susan’s life?
17.  What are your favorite details of the story?
18.  Do you like the ending? If you were the author, would you change the ending of the story?

Everything I Never Told You

1  Discuss the relationships between Nath, Lydia, and Hannah. How do the siblings both understand and mystify one another?

2.     Why do you think Lydia is the favorite child of James and Marilyn? How does this pressure affect Lydia, and what kind of impact do you think it has on Nath and Hannah?

3.     Do you think it is more difficult for Lydia to be the favorite, or for Nath and Hannah, who are often overlooked by their parents?

4.     Why does James give Lydia self-help books about making friends and getting people to like you for Christmas?

5.     What does Lydia do to stop Nath from going to Harvard? Why? Do you know anyone who would do the same to his or her sibling?

6.     Discuss the relationship Marilyn and her mother have to cook and their roles as stay-at-home mothers. Do you think one is happier or more satisfied?

7.     What is the meaning of the novel’s title? To whom do the “I” and “you” refer?

8. What do you think of Jack and Louise’s affair?  Why does Marilyn go to Louisa's apartment to find James instead of calling like she initially planned on doing?

9.  Why does Jack reject Lydia's advances?

10.  What would have happened if Lydia had reached the dock? Do you think she would have been able to change her parents’ views and expectations of her?

11.   This novel says a great deal about the influence our parents can have on us. Do you think the same issues will affect the next generation of Lees? How did your parents influence your childhood?

12.   There’s so much that the characters keep to themselves. What do you wish they had shared with one another? Do you think an ability to better express themselves would have changed the outcome of the book?

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Book Scavengers - Discussion Questions


Image result for Book Scavengers book cover

1. What do you know about Emily?

2. How does Emily feel moving all the time? Would you feel the same if you were her?

3. Who is James? How does Emily know him?

4. Who threw The Gold-Bug into the garbage can? Why? 

5. How do Emily and James find The Gold-Bug?

6. Who is Mr. Remora? What does he do to get The Gold-Bug?

7. What is the bet between James and Maddie? Who is the winner?

8. How do Emily and James find all the clues? 

9. Why does James get angry with Emily? How do they make up with each other?

10. What do you think when Mr. Quisling asks Emily to return the book to Mr. Remora?

11. If you had to make a decision to return a book you were using or cost someone their job what would you do?

12. If you were Mathew, would you give up the concert of your favorite band to help your sister?

13. What is a great surprise for Emily, James and Mathew when they arrive the Bayside Press?

14. Who is Raven? Does Raven help Emily discover any clues?

15. How does Emily find the last clue that leads her, James and Mathew to the treasure?

16. Why would Mr. Remora do anything to get Edgar Allan Poe’s last manuscript?

17. What do you think of the story between  Edgar Allan Poe and Mr. Griswold’s great great great great grandfather?

18. Why does Mr Griswold create his literary treasure hunt?

19. Describe the Book Scavenger game? Would you play the game?

20. What are your favorite details? Do you like the ending of the book?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE - Questions for Book Club

1. Who are the Song girls? Which one of the Song girls is your favorite?

2. How does Margot affect Lara Jean's life?  Has Lara Jean changed in any way because Margot is no longer there?

3. Why did Lara Jean write letters to all her crushes when she didn’t want to love them anymore?

4. Lara Jean uses love letters as a way to get over boys. Have you ever used writing as a way to sort through your emotions?

5. Do you wish Lara Jean confess her love for Josh after Margot left for college? Why or why not?

6. Why did Lara Jean tell Josh that he had a boyfriend?\

7. What do you think of Lara Jean’s letter to Peter?

8. What do you think of Lara Jean and Peter’s contract?

9. What was your first impression of Peter?

10. Has your first impression of Peter changed at all during the first half of the book?

11. Do you think Lara Jean should have confessed her feelings for Josh to Margot? Or was she right to keep her feelings to herself?

12. What do you think of Josh when he was so intent on getting Lara Jean to break up with Peter because he wasn’t “good enough for her”?

13. What do you think of the hot tube rumor?  What did you do if you were Lara jean?

14.  How has Lara Jean changed? Has Lara Jean become more independent and what caused this transformation?

15. Did you have an idea of who sent the letters? Who did you think it was and why?

16. Are you Team Josh or Team Peter?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

THE HUNGER GAMES - Discussion Questions

1.  How does Katniss feel about the country of Panem? Why does she need to make her face "an indifferent mask" and be careful what she says in public?

2.     How many districts in the country of Panem? At what age people from these districts would be candidates for The Hunger Game? Did they enjoin the game? Why or why not?

3.     Describe the relationships of Katniss with Gale, with Prim, with her mother. How do those relationships define her personality?

4.     How tributes are selected? How did Katniss become one of two tributes in district 12.

5.     How does Katniss‘ early encounter with Peeta affect their relationship after they are chosen as tributes?

6.     Who is Katniss and Peeta’s mentor? Is he a good mentor or a bad one? Explain.

7.     Why are the "tributes" given stylists and dressed so elaborately for the opening ceremony?

8.     When Peeta declares his love for Katniss in the interview, does he really mean it or did Haymitch create the "star-crossed lovers" story? What does Haymitch mean when he says, "It's all a big show. It's all how you're perceived."

9.     Why do they need to impress sponsors and what are those sponsors looking for when they are watching the Games?

10.     Before the Games start, Peeta tells Katniss, " . . . I want to die as myself . . . I don't want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I'm not." What does this tell you about Peeta? What does he fear more than death? Is he able to stay true to himself during the Games?

11.     What are the most important skills Katniss has for staying alive - her knowledge of nature? - her skill with bow and arrow? - her trapping ability? Explain.

12.     What makes Katniss and Rue trust each other to become partners? What does Katniss gain from this friendship besides companionship? Is Katniss and Rue's partnership formed for different reasons than the other group's?

13.     When does Katniss first realize that Peeta does care for her and is trying to keep her alive? When does she realize her own feelings for him? Did Haymitch think all along that he could keep them both alive by stressing the love story? Are they actually in love?

14.     What do you think is the cruelest part of the Hunger Games? What kind of people would devise this spectacle for the entertainment of their populace?

15.     What did Katniss do to save Peeta? Did her action make everyone happy?  Why or why not?

16.     Do you like the ending of the book? Can you predict what would happen in the next book?  

scussion Questions

1.     Where did Jack first plan to take Cora on his first date? Why did his change his mind?

2.     How did Jack, Cora and Austin enter the underworld?

3.     Was Jack a freak? What made him think so?

4.     Did Jack regret that he took Cora to the underworld? Why?

5.     Who was actually “ The Living Avenger”? Explain.

6.     Why was Euri sad when she found out Professor Schmitt couldn’t help Jack and Cora to find the way back to the living world?

7.     Who was Nate? Why did Euri haunt him?

8.     Who was Colonel Mann? Did he a good ghost?

9.     Who was General Viele? Why was his haunted site classified?

10.   Why didn’t Euri want Jack to stay in the underworld? Was she Jack’s good friend?

11.   Was Jack a good friend of Austin? Why did Jack decide to go back to save Austin?

12.     What do you learn about the friendship between Jack, Eurin, Cora and Austin? 

Discussion Questions

    1. Tyler’s landscaping job develops his muscles, but also allows him to use his skills at digging holes: “I was good at digging holes. It was the rest of life I sucked at” (p. 39). What figurative holes has Tyler dug for himself in his life? Is it really true that he isn’t good at anything else?

    1. Why did Tyler’s father stop him from doing landscape job?

    1. What do you thing of Tyler’s relationship with members of his family?

    1. Why did Chip hate Tyler? Why did Tyler let Chip won the arm wrestling game?

    1. Although he doesn’t seem like a depressed person, Tyler admits to being preoccupied with death. “Thinking about death relaxed me” (p. 44). Why? In what ways has he died and been reborn again throughout the story?

    1. At Tyler’s high school there is a clear distinction between the popular crowd and everyone else. Where do you fit in the social scale at your school? In what ways has the status you hold in your social sphere defined you? In what ways is this role true to who you are? In what ways is it not?

    1. Do you think Tyler’s school treats him fair? Why or why not?

    1. Why does Tyler like Bethany? Were there any signs early on that she might not really like him the same way he liked her? What do you think is her real attraction to him? Is it true when his sister Hannah says that it could never have worked out? In your own life, are there any examples of two very different people who manage to be together despite their apparent differences?

    1. What do you think of Tyler’s reaction to Bethany’s behavior at the party? How would you react? Would you be sad? Angry?

    1. Why do you think Laurie Halse Anderson chose “Twisted” as the title of this novel? What does it mean in relation to the story?

    1. On the surface Tyler seems to disrespect the janitors that he is made to work with as part of his probation. Yet they act as a sort of conscience and offer support later in the story. Have you ever gotten help from an unexpected source?

    1. Who has Tyler been trying to be? His father? A loser? A cool guy? Which of these identities is closest to his true self?

    1. Do you like Tyler as a person?  If you were him, would you do differently? (Toward his friends, his family, and his school?)

    1. What is the different between Tyler at the beginning and Tyler at the end of the book?

    1. Do you like the ending of the book?  Would you expect different ending?

Discussion Questions

1.      Why were there so many French names in New Orleans?

2.      Why was Jessie's family so poor? What had happened in the past to cause this poverty?

3.      What was Jessie mother's occupation?

4.      What happened to Jessie when he comes back from his aunt’s house?

5.      Why are one of the chapters in the book called "The Moonlight"?

6.      What business was Moonlight engaged in? were it a dangerous business? Why?

7.      How many crews in the ship including Jessie? What did Purvis mean when he said”:… all because of you, so watch your step for if something goes wrong, it 'll be your fault. Don' t forget Jonah and what happened to him, only you shall land up in the belly of a shark-" s. Explain what Purvis means. What is he referring to when he talks about a Jonah?

8.      Why did Jessie mistrust Stout, who was nice to him, and trusted Purvis who's rough with him?

9.      Why has Jessie difficulties getting used to life on a ship?

10.  What was Jessie’s main job on the Moonlight?

11.  Is there no cure for such a disease?" Jessie  asked. "None," replied Ned. "No more than there's a cure for man himself." What did Ned mean with that?

12.  Why did the captain throw Nicholas Spark overboard?

13.  What did Stout want from Jessie? Why did he steal his pipe and threw it into the hold? Why did he forced Jessie down into the hold to search for it?

14.  Stout thought he saw a British ship and the Captain ordered the Spanish flag down and the American flag up. Why did  he do that?

15.  When the Captain realized that the ship was American and he shouted: "Stout! You've murdered me!" Why did he say that?

16.  Why did they throw the slaves overboard?

17.  What happened to Moonlight and its crews and captain in the end?

18.  Was Jessie a good swimmer? How did he survive?

19.  Why does the old man want Jessie to tell him all about "that ship"?
Why does he say" "That's the way it was,..."

20.  Would Jessie tell anyone about the Daniel? Why or why not?

21.  Who was the slave dancer?

22.  Why was Jessie unable to listen to the music later in his life ?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

FLOWERS FOR ANGERNON - Disscusion Questions

1.     What time period does this novel take place?

2.     What disability does Charlie have?

3.     Does Charlie need the surgery to become happy with life?

4.     Where does Charlie work?

5.      Charlie states, "People think it's funny when a dumb person can't do things the same way they can." What is society's perception on the mentally disabled? Does society treat them as outcasts or accommodate them?

6.     Who is running the experiment?

7.     Who is Algernon?

8.     How do Nemur and Strauss treat Charlie? Do they treat him like a human or like a rat you would perform experiments on?

9.      What are the similarities and differences between Charlie and Algernon?

10.  What changes took place at the bakery when Charlie became smarter? How did people begin to treat him? How did they react to his new found intelligence?

11.  How does Charlie's personality begin to change as a result of his increasing IQ?

12. Do you prefer the Charlie before or after the surgery?

13. What is Charlie's relationship to Fay? How does it change throughout the story? Is Charlie's relationship with Fay a healthy one?

14.  Which characters can be considered Charlie's true friends?

15.   Describe the procedure and risks of the experiment.

16.   How do Charlie and the scientists come to realize the experiment will not work?

17. Where does Charlie end up in the final chapter?

18.  What are the main themes and morals throughout the novel?

19.     How does treatment of the mentally disabled currently compare to the treatment of the mentally disabled in 70s?

20. What effect does writing in journal form have on the overall novel?

21.  What is the significance of the title. What are the flowers's for Algernon significant of?

22.  Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author how would you end the story? 

THE NIGHT TOURIST - Discussion questions

1.     Can you describe Jack?

2.     Why did Jack’s father never talk to him about his mother?

3.     After the accident what did happen to Jack?

4.     Why did Jack’s father send him to New York to see Dr. Lyons?  

5.     What did Jack take from the doctor’s office?

6.     How did Jack meet Euri?

7.     When Jack decided to go with Euri to be “an urban explorer “
do you think he is wise or foolish?

8.     Who was Euri? Can you describe her?

9.     Can you describe New York underworld?

10.   Why did people there know Jack was still alive?

11.  Did Professor Schmitt know that Jack was alive?
Why or why not?

12.   Why did Jack want to stay in New York underworld?

13.  Would you do the same if you were Jack?

14.   Euri seemed to have secrets or issues,  why did she avoid talking about how she died or about her parents?

15.  Why did Euri haunt the penthouse?

16.   How did Jack know the people in the penthouse still remembered her?

17.   What was Euri’s real name?  How did Jack know Euri’s real name?

18. At the end Jack realize what he was destined to do “ He needed to bring Euri back to the living world with him” Why?

19. Who did come to the underworld to bring Jack’s mother to the living world?

20.  Why had she returned to the underworld instead of staying with him?
Do you think Jack’s mother was glad to be found by Jack?

21.   How would you feel if you were Jack?

22.   How does Jack enable his mother to move on?

23.   At the end Jack decided to look for Euri to find out where the guards took her instead of finding his mother. Do you agree with his decision? Why? What would you do?

24.    Do you think Euri was friendly with Jack so he would bring her back to the living world?

25.   Did Jack’s father wish that Jack could bring his mother back to him?

26.   Are you disappointed when Jack failed to bring Euri back to the living world?

27.   What did Jack actually find there?

28.   What do you think about the ending?