
Friday, November 3, 2023

When You Trap a Tiger - Discussion Questions



1.     The first line in the book is: “I can turn invisible”. What do you think this line means? Have you been in situations where you wanted to be or thought you were invisible?


2.     Are Lily and Sam excited to move to Sunbeam to live with their Halmobi? Why and why now?


3.     Describe the first time Lily sees the tiger? Why does Halmoni hiss when Lily tells her about the tiger?


4.     Lily says Halmoni’s house “looks like a memory” (p. 16). What does this mean? Are there places that “look like a memory” to you?


5.     Explain what kosa is? Do you have similar ritual in your culture?


6.     Where does Lily meet Ricky?  Describe him. What makes Ricky worried that Lily thinks he’s stupid? 


7.     What does it mean when the author describes someone as “sticky“? 


8.     Describe Halmoni. What illness does she have?


9.     Why does Lily think the tiger can cure her Halmoni? What does she do to trap the Tiger?  Who helps her?


10. Do you think Lily should have made the deal with the tiger? What bargain does Lily accept from the tiger? 


11. Why does Lily do when she feels betrayed by Ricky? If you feel betrayed by a friend would you do the same?


12. The novel begins with Lily stating, "I can turn invisible." The book ends with her explaining, "I am a girl who sees invisible things, but I am not invisible." In two sentences, explain what you think she has learned?

13. Which of the main characters (Lily, Sam, Ricky, and Jensen) do you relate to the most? Why?


14. So much of When You Trap a Tiger is about loss— Lily and Sam lose their father before the story begins, and then they learn they are losing their Halmoni. How do the girls handle these losses? How do you handle loss?


15. Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author how would you end the story?


16. Do you have a grandparent or someone like a grandparent in your life? How did you develop this relationship, and what are some special moments or interests you share?


17. Why is the library an important place? How important are stories in your life?



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