
Monday, November 6, 2023

Mystery in Rocky Mountain National Park - Discussion Questions



1.     While they are at his grandmother’s house saying goodbye before the trip, Jake receives a gift that his deceased grandfather arranged for him. What is it? How does Jake get this gift?

2.     Are you surprised to find the book with two parallel stories – one from the present and one from 1880?   Who was Abe? Why did he was captured?  How did he escape?

3.     Why does Jake want to find the old cabin? Who helps Jake to find it? 

4.     Who does Jake meet at the old cabin? What does Jake feel after the meeting with this person and get the package from him?

5.     Who are Wes and Amber? Why doesn’t Jake at first want to share this special hunt with them?

6.     Why do their parents let them go hiking by themselves? If your parents let you do the same, would you feel thrilled or nervous?

7.     What are the three biggest dangers when hiking?

8.     Why does Jake want to go to Emerald Lake? What do Jake and his friends find there? 

9.     What makes Jake decide to share his secret with Wes and Amber?

10. The next clue leads them to Willow Park and they will need to ride their bikes 15 miles up hill to get there. Can they make it and how? If you were them would you do differently?

11. What do Jake and his friends find in Willow Park?

12. Because of Jake, they get back late and their parents are worried and don’t want them to continue their adventure. But then they change their mind. Why?

13. In the story in 1880, what happened to the old spearhead Abe found?

14. What happens at the Twin Owls? What would you do if you were in their situation?

15. What is the clue they find at the Twin Owls? 

16. Who was Abe?  What do you know about the spearhead Abe found?

17. Can you guess what will happen to Jake, Wes and Amber in the next book?

18. Do you like the book? From one to five, how many stars would you rate the book? 

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