
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid - Questions for Discussion


  1. What is Stink's real name? Can you guess why he has this nickname? 
  2. Would you want to be nicknamed as “Stink”? Do you have a nickname? What is this?
  3.  What did Stink have Judy do to him each morning and why?
  4.  What made Stink think he is shrinking?
  5.  Why did Stink’s hair turn orange? If your sister turned your hair to orange, what would you do?
  6.  What holiday were the kids of 2D writing about? If you can choose a holiday to write about what holiday would you choose? Why?
  7.  Who is Stink's favorite president? Why did Stink choose him?
  8.  What was the 2D class pet?
  9.  What Stink have to do with Newton that weekend?
  10.  What did Judy think about Newton?
  11.  What happened to Newton? In your own imagination what could happen to Newton?
  12.  How did Stink’s teacher react with Newton’s garbage disposal incident? 
  13.  Do you have a pet? If you do, what do you do to take care of your pet? If you don’t, would you want a pet? Why?
  14.  What did Stink suggest to the Governor of Virginia? What did the Governor think of Stink’s suggestion?
  15.  What did Judy give Stink to make him feel better?
  16.  Do you think Stink is really shrinking? Have you ever had a feeling of being shrinking?
  17.  Do you like the ending of the book? If you were the author, how would you end the story?
  18. How many stars would you rate the book? Any suggestions for the next book club book?

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