- What happened to Kit Lowell?
- Why does Kit sit at David’s table away from her friends during lunch?
- Who did suggest David to make notes of every kid at his school? Why?
- What do you think of David’s sister Miney? Why is she home?
- What do you think of David’s makeover? Do you think David needs the makeover to be Kit’s friend?
- Why does Kit ask David to start the Accident Project? Would you do the same?
- What happens to David’s notebook? What does Kit do when she finds out about that?
- What would be the consequences to post personal contents from some else’s notebook to the internet?
- What would you do if someone post your diary to the internet?
- Why isn't David afraid of the football team's confrontation?
- The school principal blames David instead of the football team and the one who post his notebook to the internet, do you think it fair? Why or why not?
- How does Kit know her mom had an affair with Uncle Jack?
- If you were Kit, would you forgive your mom?
- Why did kit and her mom don’t want anyone to know that she was the driver in the accident that killed her dad?
- What do you think of David’s reaction when he knew that Kit was the driver in the accident that killed her dad?
- What are your favorite detail of the book? What are your least favorite details?
- Do you like the book ending? If you were the author how would you end the story? From 1-5 stars, how many stars would you rate the book?